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Mom doesn't bring food to the nest like other birds. The geese are born knowing how to swim and begin to eat whatever mom is eating. They just start munching on whatever mom is eating at the time...the entire family shares!

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15y ago

Wait to be killed and eaten.


Geese can also be the best alarm and "guard dog" you can buy.

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blood, plazma,liver

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Q: What do geese do on a farm?
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What are the release dates for Feeding Geese at Newman's Poultry Farm - 1902?

Feeding Geese at Newman's Poultry Farm - 1902 was released on: USA: January 1902

Were duck are kept in the farm?

Ducks have been kept as farm animals, but it would be more likely that a farm would keep geese rather than ducks; more food, less independence, and geese can be guard animals as well.

Do geese live in Nebraska?

There are many domestic geese in Nebraska. It's farm country. Additionally, it is on the flyway of a number of wild geese species, and different wild geese can be found there off and on throughout the year.

Do geese or duck eat cathead?

Yes. They both will. Farm geese and ducks will eat them whilst they are green, and have not yet seeded.

What other farm animal beside chicken are not mammal?

Turkey and Geese

What are farm flocks?

Goats, sheep, chickens, geese, and ducks come in flocks.

There are 28 geese and horses on a farm with a total of 78 legs how many geese and horses are ther?

LOL. you state that at the beginning of your question.... 28

What is a farm bird?

A farm bird is a bird typically raised on a farm for agricultural purposes such as eggs, meat, or feathers. Common farm birds include chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese.

What is the big bird on a small farm for the collection item in farmville?

These can be found when harvesting geese or turkeys on your farm. This includes Baby Turkeys. Enjoy.

Farmer John has 99 birds in his farm he has six times as many chickens as geese He has twice as many ducks as geese How many ducks does farmer john have?


What are farm birds that lay eggs called?

Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peacocks, emu