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Both like algae, bread, nuts, vegetation (yes you may feed them vegetables and eggs, though find out directions on how to prepare these), specially made pellets, duckweed, meat (look for directions here too), fish and other pond animals.

Actually from what I understand geese are vegetarian...good food for them are rolled oats

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What they eat is one of the things that distinguishes ducks from geese.

Geese get most of their food on land, largely eating grass, leaves, herbs, and grain when available. They also eat some aquatic plants and minnows. Geese are also known to eat leftover garbage in urban cities, predominately breads and hard fruits such as apples and Pears.

Ducks get most of their food in the water. Most diving ducks catch fish and aquatic invertebrates. Most "dabbling ducks" eat mostly aquatic plants, but they will eagerly eat bugs and such when they get a chance. They will also eat edible garbage thrown in the water such as breads when available.

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