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Wild condors inhabit large territories, often traveling 250 kilometres (160 mi) a day in search ofcarrion.[25] It is thought that in the early days of its existence as a species, the California Condor lived off of the carcasses of the "megafauna", which are now extinct in North America. They still prefer to feast on large, terrestrial mammaliancarcasses such as deer, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, pigs, cougars, bears, or cattle. Alternatively, they may feed on the bodies of smaller mammals, such as rabbits or coyotes, aquatic mammals such as whales and California Sea Lions, or salmon. Bird and reptile carcasses are rarely eaten. Since they do not have a sense of smell,[26] they spot these corpses by looking for other scavengers, like smaller vultures and eagles, who cannot rip through the tougher hides of these larger animals with the efficiency of the larger condor. They can usually intimidate other scavengers away from the carcass, with the exception of bears, which will ignore them, and Golden Eagles, which will fight a condor over a kill or a carcass.[14] In the wild they are intermittent eaters, often going for between a few days to two weeks without eating,[25] then gorging themselves on 1--1.5 kilograms (2.2--3.3 lb) of meat at once, sometimes to the point of being unable to lift themselves off the ground.[27]

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12y ago

Condors eat carrion, they like eating dead bodies of cattle or deer. They are scavengers.

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What do California condors eat?

California condors are scavengers, so they eat what ever they find dead

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No. Condors only eats carrion

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Not much, as condors eat carrion, and they have no natural predators.

What do California condors do?

California condors are scavengers, so they eat what ever they find dead

What type of food do condors eat?

Condors are scavengers, and feed off dead cattle and deer.

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Andean Condors eat dead animals as they do not kill animals. They are a carnivore.

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Andean Condors eat dead animals as they do not kill animals. They are a carnivore.

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Condors have very good eyesight and also very a good sense of smell. They use both to locate dead animals to eat.

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Condors are carrion eaters, like vultures. They generally do not hunt, although they will eat living things if they get lucky, such as sick or young animals.

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Owls, Falcons, Hawks, Condors and Eagles

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no brazil does not have condors