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what the owl ate

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Q: What could be the independent variable for dissecting owl pellets?
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What is a dependent variable independent variable and a control group?

The independent variable is the thing you change, the dependent variable is the variable that changes because of the independent variable, it could also be referred to as the effect, and the control group is the constant, the thing that stays the same and the variable that you compare your results to.

What could be a dependent and independent variable for homelessness?

would homelessness be a dependent variable

Is pounds an independent variable?

Pounds is a unit. Amount of pounds sold could be an independent variable (and money made being the dependent variable). On the other hand, amount of pounds sold could be the dependent variable, and time could be the dependent variable. Pounds is just a unit.

If your science project is Could the laces on a baseball affect the distance of travel when thrown what would be your independent and dependent variables and your levels of the independent variables?

Independent variable could be the number (or spacing or size) of the laces and the dependant variable is distance. Possibly levels of the independent variable could be ranges of number of laces.

Is the independent variable what you're changing?

It could be but need not be.

Is time always an independent variable?

No. If you are studying waiting time, for example at a bank, the waiting time could be the dependent variable with the number of open windows as the independent variable.

What is the independent and dependent variable definitions?

The independent variable is the one factor that will be manipulate or changed during the experiment....The dependent variable is the variable that becomes altered as a result of the change that was made in the independent variable...

How does the manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allow a scientist to find a cause-and-effect relationship between variables?

The independent variable, or manipulating variable always affect the outcome of a dependent, or responsive, variable. For example, i have a fire going, and i want to put it out. I could use a range of materials. The range of materials is the independent variable, while the fire going out or not is the dependent variable. This shows a cause and effect.

What are the three types of variables?

The three types of variables are: Independent: it is the one that you manipulate Dependent: the one that reacts to the changes in the independent variable and is measured in a experiment Control: all the other factors that could affect the dependent variable but are kept constant through out an experiment

What is the independent variable for sugar?

The independent variable for sugar could be the amount of sugar (in grams or teaspoons) added to a food or drink item. This variable is what the researcher manipulates or controls in an experiment to observe its effect on the outcome.

In a experimentwhat is NOT directly controlled by the Pearson conducting the experiment could it be the dependent variableindependent variablehypothesiscontrol variable?

The independent variable.

What variable in a experiment is a water temperature?

The variable in an experiment that is being measured or tested is usually referred to as the independent variable. In the case of testing the effect of water temperature, the independent variable would be the water temperature itself.