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Q: What color are flamingo eggs?
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What color is a flamingo's penis?

what color is a flamingo??

Flamingo born alive or dead?

The flamingo is a bird. Birds lay eggs. When the egg hatches, a live flamingo comes out.

Do Flamingo lay eggs?

Yes, they are birds and birds lay eggs.

What color is the flamingo in Alice in Wonderland?

The flamingo is pink in Alice in Wonderland.

What color is the flamingo?

black or white

How long does it take flamingo eggs to hatch?

30 days

What do Flamingo do?

shrimp, that's what gives them their color.

How does flamingos have babies?

The flamingo lays eggs, like all birds.

What color would a flamingo be if it did not ingest carotenoids?


What do pink flamingo eat?

they eat shrimp(thats how they get their color):)

What is the different from a white flamingos and hot pink flamingos?

[1]A flamingo have webbed feet buy the bird don't have.[2]A flamingo have a long neck were as a bird have a short neck.[3]A flamingo have a long beak were as a bird have a short beak.[4]A flamingo is big were as a bird is small.[5]A flamingo is pink in color were as a bird is any color.[6]A flamingo is beautiful were as a bird is quite dull.Some birds can be colorful.An difrent answerA Flamingo is a bird Um... a flamingo is a bird, there is no difference.

How does flamingo reproduce?

Flamingos are birds. Birds reproduce by laying eggs and hatching them in a nest.