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Bats are blind! They do not see any color!

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Bats are like humans.They are unique and like different colours.

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no they like the dark thus prefers dark colors.

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Q: What color are bats attracted to?
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Why are bats attracted to hair?

Bats are not attracted to hair at all. They are attracted to food, and they do not eat hair or use it an any way. Bats fly around at night looking for insects, not for hair.

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Mosquitos are prone towards being attracted to lighter colors. They are also attracted to the color blue because it is the brightest to a mosquito. So if they cant smeell you they can see you.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that crocodiles are specifically attracted to the color pink. Crocodiles are more likely to be attracted to movement or vibrations in the water as they hunt their prey.

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