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My favorite treatment came from an emergency room doctor. He suggested a half and half mixture of vaseline and pure beeswax. Melt them together in a microwave safe container (careful... the liquid is VERY, VERY hot). Pour the melted mix into a container to harden. It will become quite firm. At bedtime, dig a little out with a clean utensil or your fingernail and put it in the palm of your hands. Your body heat will soften the mixture so you can rub it into your skin. Be generous. Water will bead up on your hands after using the treatment due to the wax content. Putting socks on your hands before going to sleep helps, too. I like it better than just vaseline because it's not so greasy, and a little goes a long way. I also put on surgical exam gloves (non sterile) when I shower in the morning. The wax mixture will wash off with warm water and soap, and can leave a residue in your hair if you wash it after doing the treatment. The gloves keep my hair free of the mixture, and the mixture stays on my hands despite the soap and water.

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Q: What can help extreme dry cracked hands and feet?
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i'm sorry that i can't fully help but I need the same information!!!! I sang this song once when i was leading worship but I just had lyrics and chords! Lift, lift up your hands in the sanctuary now Lift, lift up your hands Clap, clap your hands in the sanctuary now Clap, (now) clap you hands Stomp, stomp your feet in the santuary now Stomp, now stomp you feet. We lift our hands to praise His name We clap our hands and do the same We stomp our feet because we know The devil is under our feet.

Does dance help coordination?

YES!!!! You would be trained to be very balanced and you put you hands and feet in certain positions.

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Dogs because they help people who are blindmonkeys because they help people who cant walk and the people who dont have any hands or feet.

Does a diet affect raynauds gloves?

Chronically cold hands or feet are indicators of this disease. You should have an anti inflammatory diet to help out with this.

What can you do to help heal the starts of cracks in the heel of your foot?

You can problably fix your cracked heels with lotion applied daily,but if that does not work try going to a pharmacy and getting some medicated lotion recommended espicially for cracked heels,and if that does not work do see a doctor.

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On her feet and hands. That is why they build climbing shoes from sticky rubber. Her belay partner will need friction in their belay device (ATC OR GRI GRI, etc)

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Cracked spark plug bro.promise

Why does palm and feet burn?

Several neuropathy conditions cause severe and debilitating burning in all limbs. If you see that your hands or feet also look red, then look into Erythromelalgia. Or if you hands and feet look blue, then look in to Raynaud's. To help control the neuropathy pain, stay in a cool climate, elevate your limbs and limit your activities during the day (to help the episodes during the night). Also, either stop or cut down on salt, sugar and no alcohol. Burning hands and feet is one of the most common signs of peripheral neuropathy. The tingling or burning and the loss of sensation in you feet or hands are very usual for people who are suffering from this disease. You should go to doctor as soon as you can. He or she will tell you what treatment is best for you.