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Q: What can a wild turkey do that a domesticated turkey can't do?
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Who domesticated the first wild turkey?

hanger man

What are the two domesticated birds that originated from north or south America?

The Wild Turkey and Muscovy Duck

What is the difference between wild turkey meat and farm raised turkeys?

Farm animals are usually domesticated.

How do wild and domesticated turkeys differ?

Yes. Most farmed turkeys that would show up on your table are Broad Breasted Whites. They are bred to be big and have a large breast. They are so big, they have to be butchered before they get to their full size because their legs will break under their own weight, and be artificially inseminated because they can't breed on their own. They are white in color so that dark pin feathers don't show on their skin, making a better looking cooked bird. There are however, what is called 'heritage' breeds which are very close to wild turkeys and these are generally grown by hobbyists. There are several colors available. They are a bit bigger than a wild turkey, but not as big as the broad breasted breeds. A wild turkey is about the size of a big chicken. In terms of the taste, it depends on what the turkey has been eating. The turkeys you get at the store have been eating manufactured pellets and butchered before their full weight so they don't have much fat (which makes them dry and kind of tasteless). A wild turkey likes to eat acorns and greens, and will have a much more full bodied turkey taste. Their meat is also darker because they get more exercise than a penned turkey. If you feed a domesticated turkey on a wild turkey diet, it will taste like a wild turkey.

Why cant you feed wild insects to your domesticated hedgehog?

Know Idea, bro(or brodett, what ever that is)!

What is the Latin name for wild turkeys?

The scientific name for the wild turkey is the Meleagris gallopavo. The common name is the domesticated turkey. The turkey has different names in all different origins.

What is an turkey?

it is a bird that is slightly larger than chickens that either domesticated or wild. they come from a large assortment of colors from brown to white

Can you eat wild turkey with gangrene?

No way. Do not ever eat wild meat that is contaminated. A rule of thumb for all wild meat. Even if it is domesticated do not eat it. It is better to be safe than sorry. MG

What is something called when it is not wild?


How are domesticated tutkeys different from the wild turkeys the native Americans used?

Native American rarely ate turkeys. In fact there was no turkey in 1621.

Why is the silkworm domesticated?

Silkworms have been domesticated because of their ability to produce silk, which has been highly valued for its luxurious feel and appearance for centuries. By controlling their environment and diet, humans have been able to selectively breed silkworms for silk production.

Are domesticated wild?

No. Domesticated means kept by people