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The Broad-Breasted White is the commercial turkey of choice for large scale industrial turkey farms, and consequently is the most consumed variety of the bird. Usually the turkey to receive a "presidential pardon", a US custom, is a Broad breasted White.

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Lewis Streich

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1y ago
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Wiki User

12y ago

The Broad-Breasted White is the commercial turkey of choice for large scale industrial turkey farms, and consequently is the most consumed variety of the bird. Usually the turkey to receive a "presidential pardon", a US custom, is a Broad breasted White.

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Wiki User

7y ago

Broad-Breasted White turkey is the most common.

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14y ago

Thanksgiving turkey.

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Q: What breed of turkeys is the most common commercially raised turkey?
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What bread is most common commercially raised turkey?


What breed is most common commercially raised turkey?

Broad-Breasted White turkey is the most common.

How many turkeys were raised at the worlds largest turkey farm?

The world's largest turkey farm, Butterball, raises approximately 1 million turkeys per week.

What is the most common subspecies of turkeys?

The most common subspecies of turkeys is the Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris). They are found in the eastern United States and are often raised for hunting and conservation purposes.

Whats is mean of turkey bird?

A turkey is a turkey. A turkey is a bird. A turkey is not an eagle. An eagle is a bird. Both turkeys and eagles are birds. An eagle is not a turkey.

What is the difference between the first Thanksgiving turkey and your Thanksgiving turkey?

We have turkey seasoning and fancy ovens and they did not. Also, turkeys today are raised on farms. The turkeys served at the first Thanksgiving were wild.

What foods have hormones in them?

Most commercially raised chicken, turkey and beef products do.

How many turkeys were raised on the largest turkey farm in England at one time?


Can turkey fly?

yes turkeys of all types fly. i see wild ones fly all the time and my domestic turkeys fly just as well as the wild ones! no turkeys can not fly of there wight wild turkeys have less wight

How many turkeys were raised at the world's largest turkey farm in England at one time?


Are there live turKeys in Turkey?

No there are not turkeys in turkey