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To my information, no bird is considered holy in Islam.

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Q: What bird is considered a holy bird in Islam?
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Who else beside God is considered holy in the Muslim religion?

Islam religion is a religion for muslims.None in Islam is considered Holy besides God (Allah), the one and only one God. The Quran is the holy book of Islam and is holy because Quran was God revelation to prophet Muhammad.

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Who is the holy man in Islam?

There are so many holy men in Islam. All the Prophets (May peace be upon them all) are considered holy by the Muslims. Te holiest Personality in Islam is Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), the last prophet of Islam.

What holy site for Islam can be found in Jerusalem?

Mainly the Farthest Mosque of Jerusalem, that is mentioned in the holy Quran & is considered to be the third holiest mosque in Islam.

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Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha'i.

What cities are considered holy for the religion of Islam?

Makka Mukarrama, Madina Munawra and Jerusalem.

How is Jerusalem a holy city of Islam?

Jerusalem is a holy city of Islam for having there Amasjid AlAqsa (or AlAqsa Mosque) that is considered the third holy mosque in Islam history. In addition, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the God miracle to him "Israa&Miiraaj" was ascended to the Heavens from there.

Is goat the holy animal in Islam?

There are no holy animals or holy plants in Islam.

Are any animals considered to be holy in the Islam religion?

In Islam, there are no animals that are considered inherently holy. However, some animals have significance in the religion, such as the camel, which is mentioned in the Quran, and certain birds like the hoopoe, which is associated with Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon). Islam emphasizes the importance of treating all animals with kindness and respect.

Is mecca the holy book of islam?

The holy book of islam is "Quran" . Makkah (mecca) is the holy city for beleivers of Islam (muslims)

Who are the holy people of the islam religon?

No body is holy in Islam religion

Are pigs holy?

In some religions, like Islam and Judaism, pigs are considered to be unclean animals and are not to be consumed. In other cultures and religions, pigs are not considered to be holy but are a common source of food.