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Check out golden crowned kinglet in your field guide. This is the only species I can think of that has a yellow stripe.

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15y ago

There are a great many birds with yellow breasts. Without knowing exactly where you saw it and what it was doing, the size, and other markings, there is no way to answer your question.

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Q: What bird is about the size of a wren and has a yellow strip on top of the head?
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Pacific NW small bird bright yellow and red on head with black bands on wings about size gold finch?

The yellow bird is most likely a yellow crowned Kinglet and the other a red crowned kinglet

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Interesting. You are the fourth person to ask about this bird that I've seen so far. It is a Northern Flicker, specifically the "Yellow-shafted" morph, nicknamed "Yellowhammer". It is a species of woodpecker.

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That bird is called a western goldfinch.

In Illinois a yellow bird with black wings and head about the size of an oriole?

This bird you have been seeing is a blue jay! (If not that it is a white-breasted nuthatch) Happy to help!

What is the Name of a yellow bird with black chest and bill body size similar to a blue jay?

The bird you are referring to could be a male Orchard Oriole. It has a bright yellow body with a black chest and wings, and its bill is also black. The Orchard Oriole is similar in size to a Blue Jay.

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There are far too many birds like this to identify this bird. You need to describe it in more detail - such as its size and bird type.

What bird is about the size of a softball yellow with black spots and a long beak?

Check a field guide for meadowlark, eastern or western.

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hoopoe ?

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Check your field guide for the eastern meadowlark.

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could be ptarmigan

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If the black is the crown of the head, and you can notice a patch of red under the tail when it takes off, it is a catbird.

What kind of bird has a red cap black face light brown bodya nd yellow under its wings?

Please give more information- where you saw the bird, what it was doing, country, landscape, size, beak, etc.