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No bird has fur, birds have feathers.

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Q: What bird has black and brown fur and a long neck?
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What is a small bird in Pennsylvania with long legs and a black ring around its neck and a white belly with brown wings and black on the outside feathers its a killdeer?

I believe it is a killdeer.

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Sounds like a killdeer.

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it is a bird and it is brown on the top, it has a white chest and has a black line on it's neck and has a part on it's neck that is orangish brownish.

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It is a male Goldfinch.

What does a darter bird look like?

It's wings and tail are brown and black in colour but it's body is brownish black .It's neck is brown and it's face is white with a yellow beak.

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a heron 4 shore

What color is the state bird of Hawaii?

The state bird of Hawaii, the Nene or Hawaiian goose, has a mostly brownish color with black markings on its head and neck.

What is the name of a long neck white bird?

I have the same problem. It might be a crane. If it is black and white it is a crane, but if it is completely white then i dont no what it is. That is the bird that eats my fish in the pond.