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Eagles are fearless. This is often seen when they are attacked by smaller birds while soaring too close to a 'territory'. They will often disdainfully ignore the attacks of the smaller birds and continue to concentrate on the job at hand, their hunt for food, even though they could easily kill their attacker. These qualities can be emulated in terms of a Christian sticking to whatever task the Lord has assigned them, not allowing distractions to take them from the task till completed.

The soaring of eagles, as a picture of soaring above the troubles of life is also the subject of scriptural analogy:

31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Elsewhere Eagles are noted as being swift. Christians would do well to emulate this in terms of being quick to do what the Lord wants.

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They have really good eyesight.

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Q: What are the qualities of an eagle which Christians should emulate?
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Qualities of the eagle?

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Yes, "Eagle" should be capitalized if it is referring to the specific bird species (for example, "Bald Eagle").

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Yes, "The Eagle" by Alfred Lord Tennyson does use personification. The poem attributes human qualities to the eagle, such as nobility, power, and freedom, to emphasize its majestic nature and create vivid imagery.

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Should 'eagle eyed' be hyphenated?

Yes, it should be hyphenated.

Should golden eagle be capitalized?

Yes it should be because it is a name of bird.

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Upside down is relative to which way you flip the coin. If flipping from top to bottom, the eagle should be upright. If flipping from side to side, the eagle should be upside-down. If the eagle is truly upside down from the way it should be, AND the coin has not been altered, then it could be worth a couple of hundred dollars.

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