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enimies of a great blue heron is trees because they run into them

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11y ago
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14y ago

Hawks, Bears, and Raccoons, especially when they're stealing the Great Blue Herons eggs.

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12y ago

owl's, racoon's, and possibly blue jays.

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Q: What are the predators of a great blue heron?
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What are three predators that live in estuaries?

Bull sharks, bonnet head sharks, and the great blue heron are common predators of estuaries.

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The Great Blue Heron is normally larger than the Gray Heron.

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Great Blue Heron Casino was created in 1997.

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the blue heron lives in the eveglades

Is the great blue heron the same as a great white heron?

The great white heron is a color morph of the great blue, found only in south Florida. Do not confuse with great egret, a smaller white heron.

What is the role of the great blue heron in the community?

The great blue heron is a predator. It eats fish, turtles. and frogs.

Does the great blue heron live in Oregon?

The Great Blue Heron are abundent in Boise Idaho. Boise is less than 100 miles from Oregon. I am sure that there are large volumes of Blue heron in Oregon.

What is a threat to a heron?

The primary threat for all Herons is the elimination of habitat. Great Blue Heron adults have no natural predators though may have been rarely killed by bobcats, coyotes, or gators while feeding.

Where did the great blue heron get its name from?

The Great Blue Heron got its name by being so tall (50 inches) and for its feathers being grey blue.