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A young pigeon is called a squab

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Q: What are the newly hatched eggs of pigeons called?
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What are newly hatched fish called?

Newly hatched fish are called fry. They are typically at a very young stage of development and are vulnerable to predators.

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A newly hatched chick is called a chick or a hatchling.

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Scallops are not born. They hatch from eggs. Their eggs don't have shells and neither do the newly hatched scallops.

How do pigeons give birth to their young?

They don't, what they do is to eat and when the food turn into fluid in the gizzard they feed that to the young ones.

What is young the young one of fish called?

Fry Young fish are mostly called Fry! It could also be called fingerling. Fish eggs are called roe.

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It's called larvae you dipstick!

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false a larva is a newly hatched bugling so it won't be fully grown yet

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A group of emu eggs that is being incubated by a male emu is called a "clutch".

What is chirps in possessive form?

The possessive form for the plural noun chirps is chirps'.Example: A chirps' chorus came from the newly hatched eggs.

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Platypuses a not born: they are hatched from eggs. Although mammals, they are egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. A newly hatched platypus is about the size and weight of a bean. It is blind, hairless and completely helpless.

What is a number of chicks hatched together called?

A hen sits on and hatches a clutch of eggs; when they are hatched they are simply a flock.