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Four species of penguin make their home along the Antarctic coastline.

The main bird that people associate with Antarctica are penguins. However, some other black and white birds that call Antarctica their home are Terns, and some species of ducks and geese.

Penguins are found throughout the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Larger penguins are known to live in colder climates, while there is even a species of penguin that lives near the equator. The species found in Antarctica are King Penguins, Emperor Penguins, chinstrap penguins, Adélie penguins, Gentoo penguins, Yellow-eyed penguin, Southern rockhopper, Eastern rockhopper, Royal penguin, and the Macaroni penguin.

Although no animal lives on the Antarctic continent, you may be thinking of penguins that breed on Antarctica's beaches. Their home is in the sea.

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9y ago
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8y ago

There are around 45 species of birds which live in and around the coastline and the waters of the Antarctic.

  • There are four species of penguins which live at Antarctica: Adelie, Emperor, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins. Three more species are found in Antarctica but not restricted just to the Antarctic: they are the Rockhopper, Macaroni and Kingpenguins.
  • Five species of albatross are found in the Antarctic. They include the Wandering, Grey headed, Black-browed, Sooty and Light-mantled albatross.
  • Three species of cormorants - the Crozet shag, Imperial shag and Antarctic shag - are all found in the Antarctic.
  • The Yellow-billed pintail is a waterfowl which occurs in the Antarctic.
  • The Snowy Sheathbill, South polar skua, Brown skua and Kelp gull are also found in the Antarctic, along with both the Antarctic tern and the Arctic tern.
  • There are also 23 species of shearwaters and petrels which can be found in the Antarctic. See the related link for more details.

No birds live on the Antarctic continent. Several types of birds come to Antarctica's beaches to breed, and otherwise these animals live at sea. These include penguins, terns and skuas.

Penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches, as do Skua, Tern, Albatross, and others on sub-Antarctic island beaches.

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8y ago

You may be thinking of a few species of penguins, which are sea birds that breed on Antarctica's beaches. There are also native terns and petrels that breed in the region.

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9y ago

Yes, penguins are flightless.

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11y ago

Penguin. :)

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