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Ostrich are not able to fly and are enormous. They are not the most intelligent bird. Their bodies are huge but their brains are peanut sized.

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Q: What are the characteristics of an ostrich that make it different from other vertebrates?
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How is vertebrates different from other animals?

vertebrates differ from other animals because they have a central nervous system running down their back

Are sharks vertebrates?

Yes, but they are different from other vertebrates in that their backbones are made of cartilage, like the rest of their skeletal structure.

How are vertebrates different from each other?

Vertebrates are just that vertebrates, that ALL have a backbone, fish, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, marsupials, primates, rodents... etc.

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Why do vertebrates share a common ancestor?

Vertebrates share a common ancestor because they all descended from a single, ancestral species that had a backbone. Over time, this ancestral species diversified into the many different types of vertebrates we see today through the process of evolution and natural selection.

What make mammals different from all other vertebrates?

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Tigers are vertebrates, all mammals are vertebrates because they have an internal skeleton that includes a spinal column. Tigers also have the other characteristics of vertebrates: a head, central nervous system/brain, and a neural tube. See related questions and links for additional information about vertebrates.Vertebrate

Are mammals different from other vertebrates?

some have back bones and the others dont

Do leopards eat ostrich?

Leopards are meat eaters and will eat many different animals, including ostrich. Leopards will also eat worms, cockroaches and various other insects

Does a tiger a have a back bone?

yes - it is a vertebrate! Tigers are vertebrates, all mammals are vertebrates because they have an internal skeleton that includes a spinal column. Tigers also have the other characteristics of vertebrates: a head, central nervous system/brain, and a neural tube.

How do vertebrates differ from other animals?

Vertebrates have backbones, other animals (besides vertebrates) don't have back bones.