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A hen .

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Baby turkeys are called "poults "

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A Poult

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What is a girl Turkey called?


Why does turkey girl live with the turkey?

Turkey Girl lives with the turkeys because she believes she is a turkey. She identifies more with the turkeys than with humans and enjoys their company.

What are Girl Scouts in Turkey called?

In Turkey, they are called Girl Guides and are members of the "Scouting and Girl Guiding Federation of Turkey." There are five levels of Girl Guides in Turkey: Smurf: ages 5 to 7 Star: ages 7 to 11 Guide: ages 11 to 15 Venture Guide: ages 15 to 18 Young Adults: ages 18 to 22

What is a mom turkey called?

A "mom" turkey is called a "Hen".The "dad" turkey is called a "Tom". A female turkey is called a hen.

What is a male turkey are called?

A mature male turkey is called a "Tom". Yearling males are called "Jakes"

Are you a turkey or an eagle what does this mean?

turkey is a girl eagle is a guy

Who is called the sarviour of turkey?

who is called the saviour of turkey

What is a yong turkey called?

A young turkey is called a "poult".

What is a mature female turkey called?

A mature female turkey is called a hen.

What came first turkey-the chicken or turkey-the country?

The turkey (chicken) was before the country because Turkey wasn't always called turkey

What do you call a female turkey?

A young female turkey is called a 'Hen polut'

What do you call a male Turkey and female Turkey?

A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, a female turkey a hen, and a baby turkey a poult or chick. A young male turkey is called a jake and a young femaleis called a jenny.