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Animals move from one place to another to avoid the cold weather or to find food or water

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Rick Satterfield

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Lottie Von

Lvl 13
2y ago

Animals move from one place to another to avoid the cold weather or to find food or water

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Q: What are facts about migration?
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What do migration facts mean?

migration facts all relate to moving so the facts all mean moving from one place to another ; being pushed away by the push factors and being pulled to a placed by the pull factors.

What are facts about the great migration?

the African Americans worked hard because they where slaves...

What is counter migration?

Counter migration- migration in the opposite direction. Counter Migration - forced migration of immigrants to return to their country of origion

How many types of migration is there?

Depends on what you mean... but I'll try.There is migration, chain migration, forced migration, voluntary migration, net-in migration, net-out migration, immigration, emmigration, countermigration.These are Human Geographic terms by the way. That makes about 9 types of migration.

What has the author William Francis Schweiker written?

William Francis Schweiker has written: 'Some facts and a theory of migration' -- subject(s): Emigration and immigration, Rural-urban migration 'Health, welfare, housing needs of the aged in Berkeley County, West Virginia' -- subject(s): Older people

What is the plural of migration?

The plural form of migration is migrations.

What is the overall trend in American internal migration?

Migration to the east

What are the types of migration?

Internals migration

What is temporary migration?

migration that is temporary

In the context of migration when a military force systematically removes people from their home its called?

forced migration.

How do you write questions using the word 'migration'?

the massive migration has begun. Birds also show migration to survive.

What modern type of migration is most similar to the migration of ancient cultures?

chain migration