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Q: What are a hawk's wings designed for?
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Related questions

What are hawks wings designed for?


Are hawks wings big?

yes pretty big

What characteristics make hawks fly?

The soft wings.

What is the difference between red tailed hawks and broad wing hawks?

Red tailed hawks have red tails, where as broad winged hawks have quite broad wings.

How do rough legged hawks fly?

by flapping its wings... not that confusing

Does a tarantula have wings?

Maybe a Tarantula Hawk Tarantula hawks have wings. But Tarantulas don't have wings.

Who were the original NHL teams?

Hawks, red wings, rangers, penguins, Canadians mapleleafs

Why aeroplane designed with wings?

An airplane has wings to generate the lift required for flight.

Who designed the labyrinth and wings for humans?


Which bird's wings are designed for hovering?

The hummingbird!

What is the wing movement for hawks?

A hawk's wings move in a vertical direction to propel itself off of the ground.

Who won more regular season games this year the Chicago Black Hawks or the Detroit Red Wings?

In the 2009-2010 regular season, the Chicago Black Hawks (52-22-8), had more wins than the Detroit Red Wings (44-24-14).