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turkey eggs are a pale blue or a pale green if they are any color like yellow then that means that the egg did`nt develop all the way. the mother will. just eat it or toss it sme where else.

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Q: Turkey eggs are twice as big as chicken eggs What color are they?
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Are turkey eggs smaller or larger than chicken eggs?


Do turkey eggs taste different from chicken eggs?

Yes. The eggs of a turkey are stronger flavored and richer than chicken eggs. They often have a distinct "wild" flavor and can sometime taste of pine/cedar if gathered from the wild. Domestic turkey eggs do not usually have a bad flavor but they are distinctly different than the egg of a chicken.

Are turkey eggs hard to hatch in a incubator?

No. It't the same as hatching chicken eggs.

How many chicken eggs equal one turkey egg?

Turkey eggs are larger than chicken eggs. I have seen a turkey egg make an omelet that would be equivalent to two chicken eggs. But the taste is the same, however when the omelet made from the turkey eggs got cold, the color changed from yellow to greenish gray. It was really weird.

What color are dove eggs?

white like chicken eggs

Can a chicken set turkey eggs?

Yes, although size (of the eggs VS chicken) could be a problem with not being able to warm them enough.

What color are chicken eggs?

White and Brown.

What color are Dove?

white like chicken eggs

How do you hatch turkey eggs without an incubator?

If the hen turkey is nesting let her incubate the eggs. If you have a good broody chicken hen let the hen incubate the eggs.

White color egg comes form a white rock chicken?

earlobe color determines the color of eggs if they are red then the eggs will be brown

What colour eggs from a black tail chicken?

you can't tell the color of eggs by the color of a chicken's tail. with the exception of auracanas and americaunas (they lay green-blue eggs) you tell by the color of a chicken's earlobe. if it is white it lays white eggs...if it is red it lays a shade of brown eggs.

What different types of eggs are there?

There are a huge variety of eggs that are edible including chicken eggs, turkey eggs, and quail eggs. You can also find lizard eggs, turtle eggs, and even snake eggs.