

Other names for a kestrel bird?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: Other names for a kestrel bird?
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What is an American kestrel?

An American kestrel is a species of small bird related to the falcons, Latin name Falco sparverius.

What species of falcon bird starts with k?

Kestrel is the answer!

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The anagram is the bird name kestrel.

Small bird of prey?

The kestrel is the smallest falcon, and the smallest hawk.

What bird is nicknamed sparrow hawk?

A small falcon called the kestrel.

Name a small bird of prey?

Sharp shinned hawk, kestrel.

What bird of prey can see urine off the ground?

This bird is a kestrel, know it sounds gross about the urine but that's how they get fed

Is a kestrel a big bird?

The Kestrel is quite big, it's measurement from head to tail is 13 to 15 inches and it's wingspan is 26 to 32 inches long.

Is there a bird of prey begging with K if there is tell me?

kestrel, also known as the sparrow hawk

What type of bird is a falcon?

Gyr Falcon, Saker Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Lanner Falcon, Mauritius Falcon, Pygmy Falcon, Merlin Falcon, American Kestrel, and Prairie Falcon.

What is a kestrel?

A kestrel is a small bird of prey in the falcon family, known for its hovering flight while hunting for prey. Kestrels have a distinctive pointed tail, often exhibit a russet coloration, and are found in a variety of habitats worldwide. They prey on small mammals, insects, and birds.

Main charcaters of a kestrel for a knave?

Billy Casper - main character (underdog), Kes - his kestrel that he trains, Jud - his older half brother that kills the bird, Mr. Farthing - his teacher the only one that believes in Billy.