As far as I know, yes.
Perhaps it is a territorial thing. You may need to cage them separately--it can't be good for the young bird.
it is brown like ___________________
The answer is: Simian Mobile Disco - "Love"
Marguerite's first white love in "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" was Mr. Freeman, her mother's boyfriend. Their relationship was abusive and had a traumatic impact on Marguerite's life.
People think its the bird of love.
People who love each other. But of course lovebirds are also an adorable species of parrot....
her real name is kaylee love bird and i love you baby
Yes they can, but it is not recommended. There are many color mutations in the different Lovebird species, I can see no reason to crossbreed species, when you do you pollute the blood of the different species. These birds get sold and end up with others who unwittingly breed them, the next thing you know it could get hard to get pure birds of a given species. Please don't be part of this problem stay in the species and breed for different colors.
When they are there for you when,you need them not, that they say I Love you. All the time know that they can trust you!
It doesn't love you. It like the fact that you feed it. This is also true if you used "bird" to mean "woman."
To Bird with Love was created on 1992-01-25.