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Q: It has no wings and yet it can still fly what is it?
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Can chickens still fly after having their wings clipped?

Chickens can't fly.....

You have 4 wings yet cannot fly you cannot smile and cannot cry what are you?

A windmill.

Do Japanese Dragons fly or walk?

they fly because they have wings they fly because they have wings they fly because they have wings they fly because they have wings

Can a pig fly if it has very pig wings?

Nope. Doesn't matter what kind of wings it has, it's still a pig.

What is a ostrich wings?

An ostrich cannot fly but still has wings used primarily for courtship display and balance when it runs.

Which movie has a dream like scene where penises with wings fly like angels?

A porno yet to be made

What has wings can fly?

Most things with wings can fly.

What kind of fly has clear wings with black stripes on them?

The picture-wing fly that is found in Scotland has clear wings with black stripes on them. The flies have black bodies that resemble the body of an ant.

If a fly didn't have wings would it still be called a fly?

it dont

If we had wings could we fly?

Well, if they were attached to an airplane, yes. There have been a very few man-powered aircraft, but they do not fly well. If you GREW wings, you are still too heavy to fly, and do not have the muscles or the metabolism to feed those muscles.

Can people learn how to fly with wings?

Nobody can really fly with wings.

Can a flamingo fly when in captivity Or do people just clip their wings so they cant?

Usually when a bird is in captivity it's wings are clipped, unless the enclosure is closed. (with a roof) But if that bird is specifically trained to fly, then it's wings will not be clipped but it is still in captivity.