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Coccidiosos is an infection caused by a protozoan, and it is found in most environments. However, the coccidiosis vaccine administered in the U.S. is unattenuated, meaning it is not weakened in any way, and can actually cause illness and retarded growth.

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Q: Is there a coccidiosis vaccination for pet birds?
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Do humans get coccidiosis?

Yes, humans can get coccidiosis, but it is rare. It is more commonly seen in animals, particularly birds and livestock. In humans, coccidiosis typically occurs in individuals with weakened immune systems or in areas with poor sanitation.

What is coccidiosis in dogs?

Coccidiosis is a protozoan infection. It causes severe gastric distress, and can be fatal.

What is coccidiosis in poultry?

Coccidiosis is a poultry disease caused by a microscopic animal or protozoa characterized by diarrhea, listlessness and variable levels of mortality in the affected birds. In spite of research to advance the control and treatments of this disease, it is the single most costly disease of the poultry industry. There are many species of Coccidia that can infect fowl, domestic animals and humans. Each species is host specific and does not usually cross contaminate. After an outbreak of specific coccidiosis, the flock will develop a resistance to the exposed species of coccidia but remain none resistant to others. This means a flock may experience several outbreaks of varient species. Chickens are susceptable to nine coccidia species, turkeys to seven and game birds to four. Coccidiosis is transmitted by direct and indirect contact with the droppings of infected birds. The organisms invade the lining of the intestinal tract and damage tissue. Within one week of infection the Coccidia shed immature descendants through the bird droppings and mature in the birds litter. If the litter is warm and damp it takes three days to develop and when eaten by other birds while they feed, go on to infect the flock. Coccidiosis is seldom seen in birds under three weeks old nor in birds older than three years. The signs of an outbreak include birds that are pale, droopy, tend to huddle as if cold, consume less food and water than usual. They have diarrhea and often become emaciated and dehydrated. Laying hens with Coccidiosis will drop egg production

What are the causes of coccidiosis in dogs?

Coccidiosis is a protozoan infection. It is usually spread by contact with infected feces.

How do you get wrom's from your pet?

you can get worms from pet birds

Do pet birds have to get shots?

No, you do not typically have to get shots for birds.

Do all pet birds know how to fly?

yes,but other pet birds don't fly far

Will I have to furnish an updated vaccination record when I bring my cat to a boarding facility?

Typically pet boarders will require updated vaccination records. Contact your facility to verify.

What are pet vaccinations?

Pet vaccinations are shots that you can get your pet to guard against illnesses and things like that. I think that having your pet spayed or neutered is also considered a pet vaccination, though I'm not so sure.

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