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No..Not anymore..The population has recovered to where they are listed as least concern.

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Q: Is the balled eagle a threatened species?
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Where is the bald eagle last seen?

Usually around large bodies of water, where they feed on fish.

What are threatened speacies?

An example of a threatened species is a bald eagle.

What is the prediter of the Bald eagle?

The predator of the balled eagle is the Harpy Eagle. These birds of prey are almost 4 feet tall.

Are there bald eagles in SC?

No. The bald eagle was removed from the US Threatened & Endandered Species list in 2007.

Is the eagle owl endangered?

The Eurasian eagle-owl is one of the largest owl species in the world. They are currently threatened by endangerment, but have not yet reached that point.

Is the bald eagle threatened or endangered?

The bald eagle is neither endangered or threatened now. Listed as least concern.

How many threatened in warrego river?

4566 species are threatened 4566 species are threatened

Is the bald eagle threaten animal?

The Bald Eagle is no longer an endangered or threatened species, thanks to convservation efforts and publicity efforts aimed at protecting it.However, the Bald Eagle is still a PROTECTED species under federal law, because it is still the United States' national symbol and part of the heritage of the country.

What Is The species of an eagle?

The species of an eagle is the bird.

What is the Bald Eagle's location?

The Bald Eagle is native to North America and can be found throughout the United States and Canada, particularly near bodies of water where they can hunt for fish. They prefer habitats such as lakes, rivers, marshes, and coastal areas.

What are they doing about bald eagles becoming extinct?

The bald eagle is no longer a threatened species. After a truly remarkable comeback, it is now listed as "Least Concern".

Is it good if you've see a bald eagle?

Yes, it is a good thing. Bald eagles are a threatened species, so every sighting is a sign that they are prospering.