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Although there isn't a specific number out there, Great Horned Owl populations are most likely high in the thousands, and currently are in no threat of becoming endangered due to their adaptability to new environments and (for the most part) successful breeding seasons.

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12y ago
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7y ago

Although Great Horned Owls are known by different names, such as the wood owl or tiger owl, they are their own type of owl. Their species name is "B. virginianus.' They are in the genus "Bubo" and the family "Strigidae."

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13y ago

The Great Horned owl is a species of horned owl. Horned owls are all the Strigiformes that have "horns".

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Yes I have the Great horned Owl by gilroy Roberts.

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The horned owl is in the family Trigidae.

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The Great Horned Owl is found though out the American continent, from Alaska & Northern Canada down to southern most tip of South America. It is also known as The CHICKEN OWL, the hoot owl, the eagle owl, the cat owl, the tiger owl, Night eagle,King owl and the Virginia Horned Owl. All these names are attributed to one owl THE GREAT HORNED OWL.

What class is the great horned owl?

The Order of the Great Horned Owl is StrigiformesOther Biological Classification Information:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrder: StrigiformesFamily: StrigidaeGenus: BuboSpecies: Bubo virginianus

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Northern goshawks even eat great horned owl so DEFINITIVELY the northern goshawk would win

What is the largest owl in Pennsylvania?

It is the Great Horned Owl

What is the largest owl in California?

great horned owl

Does the young of the great horned owl look similar to the adult great horned owl?

No.They Dont Have thay dont have what?

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other great horned owls