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i think its not because why is Philippines are giving permit to own a falcon or owl

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Q: Is it illegal to own an owl in Philippines?
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Is it illegal to owen a barn owl in wv?

Unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, it is illegal to own any bird of prey.

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It is illegal to own a spider monkey in many locations, but there are some places where it is legal.

Is it illegal to have a dead owl in your vehicle?

it's illegal to hav ea pet owl yes but idk about a dead one. i no cause I've benn trying to get a pet owl

How do you care for a barn owl?

Barn Owls Eat many small rodents and occasionally eat frogs and large insects. They take their home in trees, old houses, and barns. While it is illegal to own a Barn Owl in the united states if you do not have a very specialized permit, Barn Owls may take residence in your roof or owl box and that is not illegal. Interference with the bird, however, would be.

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What does it take to have a pet owl?

You need a special permit, and it's not really a pet if you live in the USA it's illegal. You can only posses a owl if it's in a education, breeding or rehab system. You still wouldn't own the owl, USA Fish and Wildlife would. -hoping this was of use, Kaguya Kaze

Scope and limitation of prostitution in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, Prostitution is Illegal. This means "Bar girls" must register and have health checks. Brothel Ownership is Illegal and Pimping is Illegal also.

What type of owl do the Weasley's own?

Errol was a Great Grey owl.

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Had owl in freezer 3 years still ok for taxidermy?

It should be fine. Keep in mind in the U.S. it is illegal to possess an owl.

Can you own a pet owl in NJ?