Hen, a female bird, is a thing. Therefore it is a noun.
A verb is a word that describes an action (run, walk, etc), a state of being (exist, stand, etc) or occurrence (happen, become, etc).
A noun is a word that is used to describe a person (man, lady, teacher, etc), place (home, city, beach, etc) or thing (car, banana, book, etc).
"Hen" is a noun not a verb. It doesn't have a past participle.
cluck or cackle
A verb phrase may be followed by a direct or indirect object, an adverb, a prepositional phrase, or a complement. These elements provide additional information about the action expressed by the verb.
a cockerel is a male chicken at the age of 4months up until they reach 12months and then become a rooster. the opposite to a rooster is a hen. the opposite to cockerel is a female chicken from the age of 4months to 12months that is called a pullet.
Hen Hen Ai was created on 2005-04-01.
Hen. A rooster is a chicken of the male gender, so the opposite (in gender) is the female, or hen.
A young male bird under 6 months is a cock, a young female under 6 months is a pullet. After they are over 6 months they become known as a rooster and a hen.
Some gender nouns for birds are:cob, pen (swan)cock, chantelle (partridge)cock, hen (blue jay)cock, hen (crow)cock, hen (dove)cock, hen (finch)cock, hen (guinea fowl)cock, hen (gull)cock, hen (heron)cock, hen (hummingbird)cock, hen (lark)cock, hen (lyrebird)cock, hen (magpie)cock, hen (nightingale)cock, hen (ostrich)cock, hen (parrot)cock, hen (pheasant)cock, hen (pigeon)cock, hen (quail)drake, hen (duck)gander, goosepeacock, peahenrooster, hen (chicken)tercel, falcontiercel, hen (hawk)tom, hen (turkey)Many types of birds do not have specific gender nouns, for example, penguins or woodpeckers are simply called male and female.
we get a hen in a egg
hen born first
their is no such thing as a hen rooster, a hen is rooster is a male chicken, and a hen is a female chicken.
a female hen is called a hen. A hen is a female chicken and a rooster is a male