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not really.but it's feathers can cause numbness and tingling

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Q: Is a pitohui dangerous
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Normally these animals are not venomous But three species of the pitohui from New Guinea are Named for one's reaction on tasting it what is a pitohui?


What are the hooded pitohui?

They are songbirds teehee

Does the Hooded Pitohui live in Lithuania?

Probably, no

How does the hooded pitohui bird defend itself from predators?

by its camouflage

Where does the Pitohui bird live?

Mid-mountain range in New-Guinea.

How does a Hooded Pitohui sound?

I think it sounds like a squeky toy but that's just a guess

Which is the most poisonous bird?

The most poisonous bird is considered to be the Hooded Pitohui, native to Papua New Guinea. Their skin and feathers contain a powerful neurotoxin called batrachotoxin, which can cause numbness and tingling upon contact.

Are there poisonous birds?

There is a orange and black bird that lives in New Guinea called called the Hooded Pitohui, whose skin and feathers contains a powerful neurotoxin that causes numbness and tingling when handled. Interestingly enough it gets its poison from the insects it eats.

What is the comparative and superlative to the word dangerous?

More dangerous Most dangerous

How do the hooded pitohui eat?

Hooded pitohuis primarily feed on insects like beetles and caterpillars. They use their sharp beak to catch and consume their prey while searching for food in the forest undergrowth. They may also supplement their diet with fruits and seeds.

How dangerous is this?

What is dangerous? Asking questions? That isn't dangerous.

How can the pitohui and the strawberry poison-dart frog produce the same poison?

Last pointless answered that it was because "God made it that way", it is really because poison dart frogs get their poison from the bugs they eat.There for, they eat the same bugs. God might have "made them live with each other", but hardly that he "made" them that way.