potage de pigeon
The eggs of the pigeon are pigeon from the start, and are only pigeon.
Carnivorous is an adjective.
A male pigeon is a cock and a female pigeon is a hen.
Pigeon grease is the oils and powder down of a pigeon.
I regret to inform you that a pigeon is a pigeon and I doubt any religious views would contradict this.
There are llots heres some: Barbary Dove, Diamond Dove, Green Wing Dove, Mourning Dove, White Dove, Ringneck Dove, Senegal Dove, Spotted Dove, Bleeding-heart Pigeon, Brunner Pouter Pigeon, Budapest Tumbler Pigeon, Chinese Owl Pigeon, Crested Pigeon, English Trumpeter Pigeon, Indian Fantail Pigeon, Maltese Pigeon, Old German Owl Pigeon, Oriental Frill Pigeon, Purple-breasted Fruit Pigeon, Rock Pigeon - Common Pigeon, Valencian Figurita Pigeon, and the West of England Tumbler Pigeon. Among the most popular types are white doves and turtle doves.
A pigeon hole :)
A homing pigeon is a domestic pigeon trained to fly from one place to another.
The address of the Pigeon District Library is: 7236 Nitz Street, Pigeon, 48755 0357
Carnivorous animals are dangerous. Humans are not known as carnivorous animals.