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No, it's a bird.

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What is the duration of To Duck or Not to Duck?

The duration of To Duck or Not to Duck is 360.0 seconds.

What is the name of the duck from michey mouse?

The name of the duck from Mickey Mouse is Donald Duck (boy duck name ) the girl duck is called Daisy Duck

What do you call the meat of the duck?

I don't know what a guinea fowl is exactly, but duck meat is called duck.

When was To Duck or Not to Duck created?

To Duck or Not to Duck was created on 1943-03-06.

What is a guey duck?

a guey duck is like male duck in love with a male duck

What is the Japanese word for duck?

Domestic Duck- Ahiru Mallard Duck- Magamo Mandarin Duck- Oshidori Wild Duck- Kamo and duck hunting is kamouchi or kamoryu

Why a duck?


What is a duck seed?

it is a seed that the daddy duck plants in a mommy duck to make a baby duck

Why do they call duck sauce duck sauce?

because duck sauce is made from duck and is a sauce.

What bird lowers its head the fastest?

Who lowers the head fast

What is a Father called duck?

a male duck of course ! opposite of a female

Why do Minnesotans say duck duck grey duck?

I grew up in Minnesota. In my mind, the two games are completely different (and Grey Duck is a LOT more fun than Goose) and should be able to coexist peacefully. In Duck Duck Goose, the goose is the obvious odd one out. It sounds different, it looks different, it feels different to say. In Duck Duck Grey Duck, a rule is added: every duck has an adjective (eg. blue duck, green duck, spotted duck, orange duck, yellow duck, grey duck). This adds elements of creativity and stealth to the game.