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because you dum egg

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12y ago

so it can hold on to the tree

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Q: In what way are the feet of a woodpecker adapted to its feeding position?
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What are the birds adaptations?

birds adapt to their of feeding . they have different type of feet and beaks which are adapted to their movement and the type of food they feed on

What is the world's Largest woodpecker?

The third largest woodpecker in the world is the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Extremely rare, it is 2 feet with a wingspan of 3 feet!

Is there such thing as a blue woodpecker with red feet?


What tipe of feet does a woodpecker have?

I hope you mean type* , and they have bird feet.

What is the size of the ivory billed and imperial woodpecker?

32.5 feet long

How is the feet of the woodpecker's feet different from the swallow?

Is there any difference at all? I didn't know it was anyway, I don't believe there is any, no :-)

How are the round island gecko's feet adapted to where they live?

they have flat feet that are stickey

How has and African elephant adapted to its habitat?

It has big feet.

What are fossorial feet?

Fossorial feet are feet adapted for or used in burrowing or digging. Moles, for example, have fossorial forelimbs.

What is parallel position of feet?

are feet

Which of these birds has feet least adapted to perching?

White pelican

How feets of peacocks are adapted to their mode of life?

webbed feet