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the answer is sunny maybe a little chilly so if that is confusing then the answer is SUNNY

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Q: In what climate region do herons live?
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What is a herons climate?

its climate region is in warm weather and catches fish to eat.

What kind of shelter do herons live in?

herons live in nests by the water

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Do herons eat cats?

No, herons eat creatures that live in ditches.

What animals live in the steppe climate region?

Polar bears.

In what climate region do most Central Americans live and why?

Most Central Americans live in a tropical climate region. This is because Central America is located near the equator, resulting in warm temperatures year-round. The tropical climate supports diverse ecosystems and agriculture in the region.

Did herons live in Mexico?


What kind of animals live in the meditteranean climate region?

golden jackals

What climate zone is Norway in?

The upper region of Noray is arctic climate. The southern region is temperate climate. The richest vegetation in Norway can be found in the South. Reindeer and other arctic animals live in the North.

Do tricolored herons live in the everglades?

yes, they do.

What do herons do?

Herons eat fish and bugs that live in ponds, they live in trees and they have such long legs so they can stand in water. you would see herons around oxbow lakes which are next to rivers. hope you get somewhere with this, from coco

Do cranes or herons live in NJ wetlands?

Cranes will stop for a few days in migration, but several herons reside there.