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The Black- browed albatross sit on the secondary consumers level and the are a herbivore. Hope that helps!!

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Q: In the Antarctic food chain where does the black- browed albatross sit?
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Do shy albatross live in antarctica?

No. No animal lives on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. Albatross are among the sea birds that breed in the Antarctic region, including the sub-Antarctic islands off South America and off New Zealand, but none on the continent itself.

What are 5 common predators of penguins in Antarctica?

There are two major predators of penguins in Antarctica, including orca whales and leopard seals. Skua birds sometimes eat unattended or dead penguin chicks. Unfortunately, too often penguins can be caught accidentally in fishing nets, even when the boat is not fishing for penguins.

What are 4 types of birds that live in Antarctica?

There are around 45 species of birds which live in and around the coastline and the waters of the Antarctic.There are four species of penguins which live at Antarctica: Adelie, Emperor, Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins. Three more species are found in Antarctica but not restricted just to the Antarctic: they are the Rockhopper, Macaroni and Kingpenguins.Five species of albatross are found in the Antarctic. They include the Wandering, Grey headed, Black-browed, Sooty and Light-mantled albatross.Three species of cormorants - the Crozet shag, Imperial shag and Antarctic shag - are all found in the Antarctic.The Yellow-billed pintail is a waterfowl which occurs in the Antarctic.The Snowy Sheathbill, South polar skua, Brown skua and Kelp gull are also found in the Antarctic, along with both the Antarctic tern and the Arctic tern.There are also 23 species of shearwaters and petrels which can be found in the Antarctic.

What are the 12 TYPES OF birds that live in Antarctica?

No animal or bird lives on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. There are sea birds, including penguins and albatross, that visit Antarctica's beaches to breed.

Are albatross in Antarctica?

Wandering Albatross spend about 75% of their lives on the wing over water, searching for food. These animals breed in the sub-Antarctic islands, and are not found on the continent itself. You can read more about them, below.

What eats Antarctic hair grass?

Antarctic hair grass is not part of any Antarctic food chain.

How will the ozone hole affect the antarctic food chain and humans?

Ozone hole will affect Antarctic food chain. It will kill all the planktons.

What is he mountain chain that crosses the antarctic continent?

You may be thinking of the Trans-Antarctic mountains.

What producers live in Antarctica?

There are no producers in any food chain on the Antarctic continent, because it's too cold there for any food chain to grow.However, the Southern Ocean that surrounds the continent is the most productive food chain on earth in terms of the amount of protein produced there. The base of that productive, sea food chain is the Antarctic Krill -- Euphausia superba.The main producer in Antarctica is phytoplankton

How do penguins nourish themselves?

Penguins feed on krill, which is the base of the Antarctic food chain. (The entire Antarctic food chain exists in the Antarctic seas and oceans that surround the continent: it's too cold for any nourishment to grow on the continent.)

Witch animal is at the top of the Antarctic food chain?


Why is there a antarctic food chain?

The Antarctic food chain exists as a way for energy to be transferred between different organisms in the ecosystem. Just like in any other ecosystem, organisms in the Antarctic food chain rely on each other for food and energy. From phytoplankton to krill to whales, each organism plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and health of the Antarctic ecosystem.