

Image of wandering albatross

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Image of wandering albatross
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Bird with longest wingspan?

The wandering albatross holds the record for the bird with the longest wingspan, which can range from 9 to 11 feet (2.7 to 3.4 meters) in length. This large wingspan allows the wandering albatross to glide effortlessly over the ocean for long distances while minimizing energy consumption.

What is an animal with the start of its name as wandering?

The one animal that starts with Wandering is the Wandering Albatross.

Who preys on the wandering albatross?


What is the size of the wandering albatross?

The wandering albatrosses wing span is 3.5 meters.

What is the wing span of world's largest living flying bird?

The Wandering Albatross. An average wingspan of 12 feet, impressive, considering it has a body length of about 4.4 feet on average. Some sightings of the Wandering Albatross have been noted at 17 feet from wingtip to wingtip.

Does the wandering Albatross live in Antarctica?


What is the wandering albatross predator?

sharks prey on them.

How does a wandering albatross looks like?

an albatross looks like an old hag and a crap

What is the wandering albatross claim to frame?

The wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans, has the widest wingspan of any bird. From tip to tip, it can measure up to 3.7 meters across.

What is the Population of the Wandering Albatross?

there are 21,000 breeding pairs

Does a killer whale eat wandering albatross?


What is the width of Wandering Albatross wingspan?

11 ft