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Of course it is bad, whether it`s humming or not.

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Q: If a 208V 24V transformer is humming with no voltage on the 24V side is it bad?
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What happens to the current as the voltage is increased by the step up transformer?

Compare a transformer to a balancing act. Both side need to remain equal.The primary side of the transformer is the supply side and the load is connected to the secondary side of the transformer.The load governs the current of the secondary side of the transformer and the voltage of the secondary side must match the voltage that the load required to operate.The ratio of the transformer will determine what the voltage of the secondary side is as compared to the voltage that has to be applied to the primary.The current of a step up transformer will be higher on the primary side that that of the secondary.Apply voltage and current to this concept and you will see that the transformer will remain balanced.The size of the transformer is always calculated from the secondary side of the transformer and the value is written in VA or KVA where V = voltage and A = amperage. Power factor is also taken into consideration when calculating the size of the transformer to be used.

What is high voltage side?

You are probably describing a transformer. The 'high voltage side' of a transformer is the winding with the greatest number of terms. It could be the primary or the secondary winding.

If a dc voltage of 12v is added to the secondary of step down transformer and rating of transformer is 220 input and 12v output what will be the result from primary of transformer?

A DC voltage added to one side of a transformer has no effect on the other side.

How to differentiate 110v or 220 transformers?

The way to identify any transformer is to look at the the transformers nameplate. The primary side will be designated H1 to H4. This is the primary side and the voltage will be stated as to the voltage to connect to. The secondary side will be designated X1 to X4. This is the secondary side and the voltage will be stated as to the voltage it will be transformer to.

Why open circuit test is done on the transformer with low voltage side shorted?

The supply is given on the high voltage side of transformer because the supply voltage required to circulate rated current through the transformer is usually very small So energy is saved.

How do you calculate input voltage of a transformer given both side high and low side impedances and also load with power factor?

The input voltage (primary) and output (secondary) of a transformer is determined by the manufacturer. Transformers are bought to accommodate the voltage that is needed on the primary side and to what voltage is needed on the secondary side.

What is the different between et up and set down transformer?

the difference between a step up transformer and a step down transformer is that, in a tsep up transformer, the voltage secondary is greater than the primary side but in a step down transformer, the voltage secondary is lesser than the primary side

Is transformer side interchangeable?

yes,we can change the transformer side in transmission line as use of high current or high voltage in output.

What is the load side of a transformer?

The load side of a transformer feeds the device, such as a light or motor. It is the output of the transformer. The input, or line side, provides the voltage that is to be transformed, either up or down, to supply the load side.AnswerA transformer's primary winding is connected to the supply voltage, and the secondary winding is connected to the load.

What Device used to select amount of voltage in primary coil of step up transformer?

There is no selective device to determine the amount of voltage. A transformer is selected by the voltage available at the site for the primary and the load on the secondary side of the transformer.

Does a transformer boost electric energy?

A transformer can either step up or step down the voltage of electric energy passing through it. When the number of turns in the primary coil is greater than the number of turns in the secondary coil, the transformer will step up the voltage.

Can we use transformer as a generator?

No. Transformer essentially can step up or step down voltage or provide same voltage across the secondary side. It can not generate voltage on its own. Generator is essentially a rotating device. Transformer is a static device.