Karasu - 烏 is crow in Japanese.
Translation for crow, the bird, is gáagii.
A "corbeau" is a crow.
A crow is called 'ghraab' in Arabic (غراب)
A crow is 'une corneille' in French. This is a feminine gender noun, even for a male crow. You would just call it 'une corneille male'.
Dii Awajashiik
Father Crow: Ah. A work of art. I did it alone!Mother and Children Crows: Ahem?Father Crow: Fine.. WE did it.
El animal "cuervo".
In Scottish Gaelic: Ròcas - Crow (raw-cush) In Irish: préachán
how do you say white crow in
to say is the verb 'dire' in French.