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They start laying eggs when they are about 1 year and 3 months later.

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13y ago

female cockatiels reach maturaly at age 1 they are fertile until age 8 and then become infertile.

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Q: How old are cockatoos when they start laying eggs?
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How old does a duck and a chicken start laying eggs?

Depending on the breed, they start laying around when they turn a year old.

How many weeks old is a chicken when they start laying eggs?

usually about 18-20 weeks old before they actually begin laying eggs. -<3-

Do all chickens start laying eggs at 4 months?

No, not all chickens start laying eggs at 4 months. The age at which chickens start laying eggs can vary depending on the breed and individual bird. Some chickens may start laying eggs as early as 5-6 months old, while others may not start until they are closer to 6-8 months old.

How old does a chicken have to be to ley eggs?

At approx. 5 months or 20 weeks your chicken should start laying eggs.

How old do chickens need to be before they lay eggs?

Most chickens are between 5-6 months old before they start laying eggs and will lay eggs for about two years. Some chickens will start laying at 4.5 months, but this is rare and probably due to hormones in their feed.

When do cockatoos start to fly?

When they are 5 years old.

When do chickens start laying eggs?

Chickens typically start laying eggs around 5-6 months of age, although this can vary depending on the breed. Some breeds may start laying as early as 4 months old, while others may take up to 8-9 months to begin laying.

How old do yellow belly turtles when they start layimg eggs?

Yellow belly turtles typically start laying eggs when they are around 5-7 years old. This age can vary depending on factors such as the turtle's health, size, and living conditions.

When do hens start laying after the winter?

Hens typically start laying eggs in the spring when the days get longer and the weather warms up. The exact timing can vary depending on the breed of hen and environmental factors. It can take a few weeks for hens to adjust to the changing seasons and start laying again.

What age do quail start laying eggs?

Here's my limited experience: Bobwhite quail hatched on 5/13/09. One egg was laid on 9/16/09. No other eggs to date. I have 5 males and 7 females housed together in a 3X5 raised pen. The pen is outdoors in Georgia. I had read that egg laying begins at 5-6 months, but one of mine obviously laid at 4 months. The shell was thin in some spots and thicker in other, which I'm told is typical for the first egg or two.

How old must orpington hens be before they lay eggs?

Orpingtons are fairly moderate early maturing and should lay their first egg at about 7 months old. Start them on laying mash at about 5 months for best eggs.

Why have your hens quit laying eggs?

Maybe its too old to lay eggs now or its too cold to lay eggs