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Actually, a peacock does not lay eggs, a peahen does. The males are called Peacocks and the females are peahens. Together, they are called peafowl... go figure. NE way, I think that they can lay 3-5 eggs at a time. You may want to research the topic online by using a search engine to find a more accurate answer for the exact number. have a good day!

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Q: How much eggs does peacocks lay?
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What color are peacocks eggs?

Peacocks do not lay eggs, being males. Peahen eggs are an off-white.

Do peacocks give birth to their young or do they lay eggs?

They lay eggs like other type of birds

Does peacocks can give birth to young ones through tear?

Peacocks are birds; birds lay eggs.

Do peacocks give birth to live young?

No. It only lay eggs because it is a bird. Note: only the peahen lays eggs. Peacocks are the male of the species.

If 3 peacocks lay 5 eggs in 8 days how many peacocks will lay 29 eggs in 76 days?

Peacock never lays eggs, Its pea hen that lays egg

How many eggs do peckocks lay in a year?

None, peacocks are male. Peahens, the female peafowl lay 2-9 eggs yearly.

How are peacocks born?

the same way chickens are hatches from an egg and also a goose.

What are farm birds that lay eggs called?

Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peacocks, emu

Are babies born from eggs or does mother peacock gave birth?

Seeing that peacocks are birds, and all birds are hatched from eggs, a good guess is that yes peacocks are hatched from eggs. Also, the female peahens are hatched from eggs. The cocks are the ones with the long tail feathers and the hens are the ones without.

Do peacocks have reproduction organ?

Yes they do have reproductive organs. Peacocks (male) and peahens (female) mate, lay eggs and breed like any other bird species.

Why are peacocks considered as birds?

because they have feathers, wings and lay eggs. They are also vertebrates, bi-pedal, and endothermic.

What predominant color is a peacocks egg?

Peacock's eggs are a dirty white. A peacock is actually the male and the peahen is the female. The male doesn't lay eggs.