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Different places have different offer, but it's usual by 12 to 15 yuan or so in china.

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Q: How much do you feed khaki Campbell ducks?
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What is a duck's favorite color?

Scientists know that many ducks show a preference for the color green or colors closest to that spectrum.

Do ducks like potatoes?

probaly as they eat anything because people come down not much and feed ducks bread

How often do you need to feed 3 ducks and how much?

I have 4 ducks and I feed them two big cups of cracked corn and two big cups of duck pellets. You should feed them every time they are out of food.

How much food does a duck eat in a day?

You should feed a duck a handful of layers pellets in the morning and in the evening per duck per day. Do not feed wild ducks

What do ducks do on a farm?

there are no ducks on farms. furthermore nakuji stinks.

I live in a park where there are mallard duckswhich I feed. Would these park ducks migrate if they were not fed?

Yes they would. You should not feed wild ducks, they will become dependent on you feeding them and they will die when you stop, because they will lose the ability to find food themselves. If you continue to feed them anyway, do NOT feed them bread, it is extremely bad for them. Bread fills them up but gives them no nutrients, and they will die from malnutrition. Also if too much bread is given to them they can sink and drown.

How much does it cost to buy 2 ducks in the UK?

The cost of buying 2 ducks in the UK can vary depending on where you purchase them from. On average, you can expect to pay around £15-£30 per duck. Additional costs may include feed, housing, and healthcare.

How much do wigen ducks eat?

There are no "wigen" ducks; therefore: nothing.

How do you get a duck?

You can get a duck by going to your local feed store and just buying a duckling. they are not very expensive and they make great pets if you want that much responsibility. I love my pet ducks and they are great!!!

There were 9 ducks and 8 geese on the pond then some of the ducks flew away how many duck are left?

"A few." Ducks can fly......the problem tells you as much "Then some of the ducks flew away." Ducks fly South for the Winter.

Do ducks have backbones?

Do ducks have backbone Yes, ducks have a backbone. All vertabrates do.

How much does Campbell Brown earn?

Campbell Brown is an American journalist who was previously worked for NBC-TV. How much Campbell Brown earns per year has not been disclosed to the public.