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A turkey will have a varied amount of babies each time they lay eggs. Some turkeys may have four eggs while others have up to 17 at a time.

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12y ago

about 7-10 babies.

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14y ago

10-14 eggs 1 per day

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13y ago

Our turkey had 13 hatch in one batch

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Q: How much babies can a turkey vulture have?
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What is special about a turkey vulture?

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What eats Turkey vulture?

A wolf or large cat would eat a turkey vulture if they can get a hold of them. Turkey vultures are slow moving on the ground and can be captured while they are feeding.

What eats a turkey vulture?

A wolf or large cat would eat a turkey vulture if they can get a hold of them. Turkey vultures are slow moving on the ground and can be captured while they are feeding.

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Is there a type of desert vulture?

In the United States, both the Turkey Vulture and the Black Vulture can be found in a variety of habitats, including deserts.

What are a turkey vulture's enemies?

Turkey vultures do not have many natural predators. Other large birds such as a Great Horned Owl or Northern Goshawk might be big enough to take out a turkey vulture.