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There is no specific number. 'A windmill farm' is just a general term relating to a place with multiple energy producing windmills.

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Q: How many windmills are there in a windmill farm?
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How many windmills are on a windmill farm?

It depends how big the wind farm is but it usually is from 50 - 350 windmills in a farm

How many windmills are in a average a windmill farm?

a pakiing amount

Who is blamed for breaking the windmill in Animal Farm?

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What is a group of windmill called?

A group of windmills is called a Wind farm.

How many windmills are there in road trip adventure?

There are 22 windmills in the Road Trip Adventure Windmill Quiz.

What is a farm that has many windmills?

A windfarm

Where is the windmill in hearthome city?

There are no windmills in Hearthome City, although there are windmills in Floaroma Town.

Where does windmills come from?

windmill is a process of contain electricity.

How many windmills in Amsterdam?

1 How many windmills it takes to power a city depends on the amount and reliability of the wind, the power output of each windmill, and the power requirements of the city.

Who makes windmills?

The inventer of the windmill if I am correct was my mum :P

When was Bailey Farm Windmill created?

Bailey Farm Windmill was created in 1905.

How does windmill blow?

A windmill does not blow.A windmill is blown by the wind.The windmills sails turn the wind into power to operate machines, pumps or electrical generators.