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One turkey per 6-7 females

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Q: How many tom do you need for two hens turkeys?
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Who was tom turkey named after?

Male turkeys are called toms, and female turkeys are called hens. So, the phrase "tom turkey," whether it is in a song, book, play, or cartoon, is how the character tom turkey got his name.

Male turkey name?

Like chickens, female turkeys are simply called hens. Male turkeys, on the other hand, are called toms. Baby turkeys are known as poults.

What are the correct words for male and female turkeys?

A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, while a female turkey is called a hen.

Male turkeys and female turkeys are called what?

The female turkey is called a hen, a male turkey is called a tom or gobbler and a young male turkey is a jake.

The three name for male female baby turkey?

A young male turkey is called a Jake and a young female is a jenny. A grown male turkey is a tom or a gobbler and female turkeys are called hens. Chick and poult are the names for baby turkeys.

Can you hunt both hens and tom turkeys in Minnesota?

No you can not shoot a hen turkey in the spring. You can only shoot them in the fall. Because they need to lay there eggs and have poults to grow up then you can shoot them in the fall when they are bigger and don't need to nuture little ones.

Can you raise a tom turkey with a rooster?

Yes. It is done on many farms. Turkeys are quite slow so if any squabbles happen the chickens usually just get out of the way. Feeding is an issue but if you keep the turkeys food up off the ground at his chest level the chickens don't bother with it.

What is the name of the turkeys that gobble?


Do turkeys lose their beards?

Yes at least most speices. My Gray Slates all have beards I have 4, 3 hens and 1 tom. My 2 black turkeys are hens and they both have very long beards. My bronze turkeys that are female do not have beards. I think it depends on the speices. My hens all lay eggs except one of my two broad breasted whites. One has a tiny beard but the other does not. They are indeed both female but I think it has been bred out of them to breed.

How are female and male turkey different?

How do you tell the HENS from the TOMS? * Once they mature, the toms are larger and have longer legs. * Toms grow a beard (long black feathers) in the middle of the chest (breast). Very few hens grow a beard. * A male turkey's head and wattle (growth under the chin) is larger. * The tom's snood (a fleshy growth on top of the bill) is longer and hangs down the side of his face. * Male turkeys gobble. Hens do not. Hens make a clicking or clucking sound. Male turkeys strut about, gobbling loudly and holding their heads high. They stick out their chests, fan their large tails and drag their wings on the ground. They do this to attract the attention of the female turkeys.~

Do hen turkeys lay eggs without a tom turkey present?

Yes, but they wont be fertile. Hen turkeys lay eggs in the spring with or without the tom.

What are animals called?

Tom cats Turkeys and Cats