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It doesnt jump out of it....

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until one of them dies

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Q: How long does the male peregrine falcon stay with the female falcon?
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Related questions

What is a male peregrine hawk called?

Female Peregrine Falcon

How Much Does A Peregrine Falcon Weigh?

A typical Peregrine Falcon male can weigh between 440-750 grams and the larger female can weigh between 910-1500 grams.

What does tiercel mean?

Tiercel refers to the male. I.e. the female peregrine falcon is properly called a falcon, and the male-which, in common with most species of raptors, is smaller than the female-is known as a tiercel. The term "tiercel is french and means "third . In this case the male is a third the size of the female.

What is the average weight of a peregrine falcon?

Male=450-750 g. Female=910-1500 g.

Does the female falcon hunt or does the male falcon hunt?

i think the male

What is the height of a peregrine falcon in inches?

The sizes vary a bit, but usually a male is around 46 cm (18 inch), and a female is about 54 cm (21 inch)

What is the world's fastest bird?

The Peregrine Falcon.A Peregrine Falcon can reach speeds up to 175 miles per hour while traveling through the air.That's about the same speed as the fastest race car in the Indianapolis 500.These powerful birds can catch prey in midair and kill it instantly with their sharp tallons.Peregrine Falcons range about 13 to 19 inches long.The female is called a falcon but the male is called a tercel which means "one third" in german.This is because the male is about one third the size of the female.

What female birds are prettier than male birds?

the penguin the quail the eagle the peregrine falcon (all of the other types of falcons to) the qaker parrot the umbrella bird the cockatiel the cockatoo the parakeet and their are many more but i cant think of all of them at the top of my head

What is reverse sexual dimorphism?

Reverse sexual dimorphism is when the typical size or appearance difference between males and females is reversed, with females being larger or displaying more exaggerated physical traits than males. This phenomenon is less common than traditional sexual dimorphism, where males are typically larger or more ornamented.

What is the average height of a peregrine falcon?

The female bald eagle is 35-37 inches and the male eagle is 30-34 inches.The average height of a female bald eagle is 35-37 inches. The average height of a male bald eagle is 30-34 inches.

What is the fastest type of bird species?

The Peregrine Falcon holds the speed record for its power dive. Other than that the Indian swift is the fastest flier - which the male does for the entirety of its life after it leaves the nest.

Is the female long horn bigger than the male long horn?

no i think it male bigger than female