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Q: How long does a laying chicken live?
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Is your chicken laying on her eggs too long?

yes, what can i do?

Does chicken nuggets come from chicken who don't lay eggs anymore?

No - the chickens do not start laying chicken nuggets after their egg laying days are over.

How long do chicken vampires live for?

Six (6) Chicken years.....

What are often kept inside chicken coops for egg laying purposes?

Inside chicken coops, for egg laying purposes, one should have nests for the chicken to lay eggs, perches for the birds to sit on when they are not laying eggs, and a supplemental light source to keep on (whenever there is not natural sunlight), because the chickens will continue to lay eggs as long as they think it is daytime.

How long will the female octopus live after laying eggs?

2 minutes

Why is your Leghorn chicken not laying eggs?

your chicken doesn't want to probably

Chicken laying mammal?

There is no mammal that lays chickens. Even chickens do not lay chickens: they lay eggs. there are two types of egg-laying mammals (not chicken-laying), and they are the platypus and the echidna.

What is a female chicken that has given birth called?

Chickens do not give birth. Chicken reproduce by laying eggs, which are hatched in about 21 days after they are laid. A chicken is called a laying chicken when it is grown for the purpose of laying eggs, as opposed to a frying or eating chicken, which is raised for food.

What is the average value of a chicken after it has been laying eggs for a year?

About $10 unless you live somewhere where they worship chickens. If that's the case then $1,000,000,000.

Where do chickens live on farms?

Typically in a coop attached to a chicken run. However, some are totally free range and live amongst whatever the warden of the flock has laying about the barnyard.

How long does a tortoise stay with its mom?

Tortoises abandon their nests either right after laying, or a short while after laying. They never live with their young.

How do you stop egg laying?

There is no way to stop a chicken from laying eggs; It's nature's way.