Cockatiels are parrots, and members of the cockatoofamily.
Cockatiels are very popular, and currently live in all continents, but they originated from Australia.
no or they will fight
Cockatiels can easily reach fifteen years of age. The average is 20 - 25, although some birds can live into their 30s.
No, cockatiels should only be housed with other cockatiels. Not only do other types of birds have different types of diets, but they also have different personalities and will sometimes clash with cockatiels.
Cockatiels can chew on bamboo, as long as it has not been treated with any chemicals.
I guess so, mainly because the cockatiels would be in the air all the time rarely ever on the ground where as chickens stay on the ground. as long as the pen has a lot of room they should be fine.
Yes as long as it doesn't have a lot of butter or anything
Cockatiels can live for about 16-25 years. Though it is a very big range, if you care for your bird, chances are he/she could live longer than 25. :) Hope this helped!~Brittany
It is very bad for cockatiels to be eating poultry but to be living around that envirment can make it very sick so poultry is a big, N.O.
A pearl cockatiel is simply a coloring, a mutation. So yes, it should live in a nest. :)