for 21 or 22 days.
1 day
The female kakapo incubates her eggs for around 30 days.
Chipmunks do not lay eggs, they are mammals and give birth to live young.
approcimatly 21 days
ostrich can sit very long time in her eggs. sometimes ostrich sit on her eggs until it hatch.
Tortoise do not sit on their eggs (they are not warm blooded so they can not warm them), they bury them in a nest made in a warm moist place and they hatch naturally.
until the egg is ready to hatch. : p
Geese do not get pregant. They lay eggs and sit on a nest.
Yes. She believes all the eggs are fertile. Ducks have been known to sit on objects similar to eggs such as golf balls.
they often sit over there hole for a long time
Peahens do not become pregnant, they lay and sit on eggs.