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they are white to blend in with snow , separated feathers on the wings they are white to blend in with snow , separated feathers on the wings to make less noise and the feathers around their eyes reflect sound waves to ears they also have sharp beaks and claws to eat and tear prey to make less noise and the feathers around their eyes reflect sound waves to ears they also have sharp beaks and claws to eat and tear prey!!!

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10y ago
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15y ago

To survive in the harsh, cold, windy environment of the tundra, the snowy owl must find a way to stay warm, get food, and blend in with its surroundings. The snowy owl has adapted very well to its environment. It has white feathers to blend in with the snow and the thick feathers help the animal stay warm

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12y ago

SNOWY OWL uses its camouflage to blend with the white snow to hide from predators.

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12y ago

It has thick feathers, especially on its feet. If you are also wondering how they keep their eggs warm the females have a pink patch of skin under its feathers that is warm.

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Q: How is the snowy owl adapted to live in its environment?
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Where does the snowy owl live within its environment?


How are snow owl adapted to their environment?

Snowy owls have feathers on their legs so that they don't get cold in the snow.

What is a snowy owl physical adatations?

The snowy owl has physicaly adapted to it natural enviroment by evolving white feather.

How may the snowy owl change the environment?

the snowy owl changes the environment by keeping control of their populations of their prey

What countries do snowy owl live in?

The snowy owl lives in the tundra.

How long does an Snowy Owl live for in its habitat?

A Snowy Owl can live on an average of 9.5 to 10 years in the wild. If it is in captivity, they can live as long as 28 years. The Snowy Owl is known to be the longest living owls.

What is being done to help the osprey?

The snowy owl has adapted by blending in with the snow. Thus the name Snowy Owl.

How does the snowy owl live?


What countries do snowy owls live?

The snowy owl lives in the tundra.

Why is a snowy owl called a snowy owl?

snowy owls are called snowy owls because they are white which makes them look like snow and they live where snow is usually at.

Where does a snowy owl usually live?

In the Arctic.

Does the snowy owl live in the taiga?

yeahh.. they do