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itcan bend it all the way or 80 degrees

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Q: How far can a owl bend its head back?
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How is an owl able to see things behind its back?

It can rotate it's head all the way around.

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Can an owl turn its head 720 degrees?

No, owls cannot turn their heads 720 degrees. While owls have a wide range of motion in their necks due to extra vertebrae and specialized arteries that allow blood flow without cutting off circulation, they can typically rotate their heads up to 270 degrees in either direction.

What bird can see its back without turning its head?

The owl is known for being able to rotate its head up to 270 degrees, allowing it to see its back without turning its body.

Can an owl turn its head upside down?

No. Owls do have very flexible necks though, which lets them turn their heads quite far sideways.

What bird can turn its whole head around?

Not any bird can rotate their head to 180 degrees but one animal can and it is called a owl. The owl can rotate it's head all the way around it is said to look for their prey or watch out for any predators.

Does an owl spin his head around?

no they do not

How far can a owl hear a mouse.?

It depends on the type of owl but generaly an owl can hear a mouse from about 23 meters

What is great horned owl?

The great horned owl is a large owl species found throughout the Americas. They are known for their tufted ears (or "horns"), powerful talons, and distinctive hooting calls. These birds are skilled predators, preying on a variety of animals such as rodents, birds, and even skunks.

What is the mfg of gun with owl on handle?

Ivers Johnson has an Owl head on the top of the grip

How does the elf owl get its name?

The elf owl gets it name because if you look, it doesn't have any hair on it's head and they have a rounded head.